Trial lawyers can graduate from the Trial Lawyers College through its 3-week program, or by attending 7 Regional Seminars on each trial skill. Each path has different pros and cons for the individual lawyer, but either way, graduates emerge as better advocates for their clients, better human beings, and better prepared to WIN their next trials.
Jennifer Gardner is a graduate of the Trial Lawyers College. Over the course of 3 years, she attended a Regional Seminar on each separate trial skill and then graduated in the summer of 2016. Jennifer runs her firm Gardner+Associates out of Los Angeles, California and has been practicing for over 30 years. Her background was in entertainment litigation but transitioned into business and real estate litigation. 9 years ago, Jennifer also began practicing criminal law. She now practices criminal defense and civil litigation. Since Jennifer has been able to take TLC CLE's, she has consistently received favorable verdicts for her clients.
“It’s felt really great to be a graduate of the Trial Lawyers College. I think I got a lot more practice with the methods over a longer period of time because you have time in between Regional Seminars to go out into the real world and put the methods and tools you just learned into action, and then learn even more at the next Regional. I remember starting with the Psychodrama for Lawyers program at the Ranch, I’m still friends with so many of those classmates. It was the perfect foundation for my training to begin.”
Todd Klapatauskas graduated from the Trial Lawyers College in August 2017. He attended his first regional in Big Sur, California in January of 2011 and on the flight home he signed up for the March 2011 regional in Leavenworth, Washington. Todd regularly attended TLC Regionals all over the United States for the next several years. He is an attorney in Dubuque, Iowa at his firm Todd Klapatauskas Law where he specializes in helping those who have been injured, harmed and wrongfully accused.
"By taking TLC programs and becoming a graduate of the Trial Lawyers College, I had the great fortune to learn from so many talented, dedicated and selfless faculty. The TLC Regionals I attended throughout the years gave me the opportunity to travel across the country and really get to know hundreds of new friends and their stories. My pride fueled me to graduate so that I could bring some closure to the journey I started in 2011. I am proud to be a graduate of Trial Lawyers College."
Geoff Pope graduated from the Trial Lawyers College in August 2016. "I first dipped my toe in the TLC waters by attending a regional at the ranch called 'Experience the Magic', which covered both Psychodrama for Lawyers and Discovering the Story and after that, I became completely hooked." Geoff is an attorney in Atlanta, Georgia and a partner at his firm Pope & Howard, LC where he specializes in Medical Negligence and Personal Injury.
"Like so many of us, my TLC experience has transformed the way I prepare cases. It’s really hard to describe in a short, pithy way, but I can summarize by saying that TLC has taught me the incredible power of personal stories and human interconnection. I now spend far more time – and use far better techniques – to discover the stories of the case and how they intersect. TLC has also forced me to examine myself and learn some things about me that I don’t necessarily like and try to improve them. By knowing myself better and by working so hard to find my clients’ stories, I find it far easier to develop an authentic connection with my clients, which in turn helps them feel a greater sense of trust."
Spencer Farris graduated from the Trial Lawyers College in August 2015. He first applied to the Trial Lawyers College when TLC CLE's began in the 90's, but wasn't accepted. After years of practicing, he was questioning his career choice because the techniques he was trying, were not working for him. After friends and colleagues suggested he try TLC again, he decided to take another look at attending a program. Spencer is an attorney at his firm S.E. Farris Law Firm in St. Louis, Missouri where he specializes in Medical Malpractice and Personal Injury.
"I spent my 50th birthday at the ranch for a week-long Discovering the Magic course. When I got home, I was able to use what I had learned in that short course with a client who I truly didn’t like. Our interactions were so unpleasant that I had considered firing her, and she said she would have a church bake sale to pay off the litigation expenses when she threatened to fire me. I had never experienced such a disconnect from a client in my career. After I shared my story with her, she opened up and shared hers and we connected on a level that empowered me to fight for her. It was an immediate pay off that told me I was on the right path."
"It understates to say TLC changed my practice, but it has. I relate to my clients differently. I relate to my friends and family differently. My office team has picked up on this and I see changes in them as well. To be honest, TLC changed not just my practice, but also me. I am not perfectly skilled with TLC methods, even now. What I got from TLC and the friends I made in the process are worth the time and expense, and my journey with TLC continues."
Interested in becoming a Trial Lawyers College Graduate? You can start by trying out your first Regional Seminar on Closing Argument in Leavenworth, Washington at Sleeping Lady Mountain Resort, October 25-28, 2018.