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Master Your Courtroom Persuasion and Credibility

The Trial Lawyers College is nationally recognized for perfecting the breakthrough training of integrating Trial Skills with
The TLC Method and Advanced Courtroom Communications that help build your Art of Persuasion to Win More Cases

Trial Skills Development
For Trial Lawyers for the People

Continuing Legal Education Curriculum
by The Trial Lawyers College

Are you ready to take your legal career to the next level? The Trial Lawyers College is the best place for lawyers who are looking to maximize their positive outcomes in and out of the courtroom. We do much more than provide Continuing Legal Education credits. TLC offers a variety of courses designed to not only train civil and criminal defense lawyers alike with a sharper set of trial skills, but to also possess the ability to be more well-rounded and credible human beings. TLC Alumni are a nationwide network of lawyers ready to help support and advance your success in the courtroom.


Mission Statement of
Trial Lawyers College

Trial Lawyers College is dedicated to training and educating lawyers and judges who are committed to the jury system and to representing and obtaining justice for individuals: the poor, the injured, the forgotten, the voiceless, the defenseless and the damned, and to protecting the rights of such people from corporate and government oppression.

In all of its activities, Trial Lawyers College will foster and nourish an open atmosphere of caring for people regardless of their race, age, creed, religion, national origin, physical abilities, gender or sexual orientation.

We do not offer training for those lawyers who represent government, corporations or large business interests.

What You'll Learn at the Trial Lawyers College Programs

Psychodrama Techniques


Essential Trial Skills

Non-Verbal Communication

Client-Centered Lawyering

Building a Successful Legal Practice

When you join the
Trial Lawyers College, you will learn the Tools and Strategies you need to Win More Cases and Achieve your
Professional Goals

By attending our courses, you'll gain a competitive edge in the legal profession. Our experienced faculty team will guide you through the entire process to master the art of advanced trial skills that put stories into action in order to build a thorough understanding among your jurors. You'll leave our courses with a deeper understanding of yourself, your clients and their cases, and you'll have the tools and strategies necessary to win more cases and achieve your professional goals. Don't miss this opportunity to take your legal skills to the next level - enroll in one of our varied Trial Lawyers College courses today!

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