Check Out Our  2024 Course Schedule
A New Name for a Familiar Way to Support TLC

TLC Sustaining Members provide the monthly support that does exactly what the name says: it provides the general operating income needed to sustain the College with a donation of $100 per member per month, or $1200 every year, for 10 years for a total pledge of $12,000.  TLC needs this steady and reliable cash flow for a variety of needs including paying our 3-person administrative staff, our psychodrama instructors, utilize a meaningful student database software to track all College students and attendance records; publish our quarterly magazine and keep its subscription fee affordable; and countless other operating costs that make this College all that it is to so many trial lawyers.


The Benefits of the Sustaining Members (formerly called "Ranch Club") include:
• A $200 tuition discount on every TLC course you attend (discount is automatically applied when you register online.)   

• An annual $200 tuition discount for a friend or colleague to use on their next TLC seminar.  [Contact to make arrangements.]

• A gold or silver TLC Sustaining Member lapel pin.

$100/month for 10 years which will be applied directly to the general operating expenses of the Trial Lawyers College.
“Please support your College! Your generous gift of $100/month for 10 years, payable as an automatic withdrawal from your credit card, helps more than you know."

All contributions will be used to advance the Trial Lawyers College mission to train and educate lawyers and judges who are committed to the jury system and to representing and obtaining  justice for individuals.  With admiration and gratitude from your TLC Board”  – President John Sloan, Vice President Milton Grimes, Secretary Maren Chaloupka, Treasurer JR Clary, Dana Cole, Eric Davis, Francisco “Paco” Duarte, Ann Johnson and Anne Valentine

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