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The Trial Lawyers College is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization funded entirely by its students, alumni, and supporters. Your contributions are tax deductible. In order to ensure that we are not compromised in our mission to train and educate lawyers and judges who are committed to the jury system and to representing and obtaining justice for individuals, the College accepts no funds from federal or state agencies* or corporations. (*with the exception of COVID relief assistance.)  

To make an online donation, please see below. If you would prefer, you can mail a check to: Trial Lawyers College, 17 Sandstone Circle, Sheridan, WY 82801 or call our office at (307) 217-67104 and speak to our Executive Director, Laurie Goodman, about other ways that want to support our College.  


You can also contact  Laurie Goodman, at


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